Not the best start!

Hi! If you’re reading this then I’ve finally managed to post on my website! So…

We could have had a better lead up to our trip but hey who’s going to let a busted foot and crippling back pain get in the way?! We’re not quite ready yet, there’s a long to do list but who cares as this time tomorrow we’ll be on our way!

If I can work out how to access this again – it took me quite a while (those who know me will understand my relationship with tech!) – I’ll do a proper post from the airport, this one is to make sure it works!



  1. Amazing. So impressed with the blog. YOU HAVE A BLOG!!
    I wouldn’t have a clue how to set that up. I’m impressed with myself that I’ve even managed to send a message. Fingers crossed you get it!
    Now crack on with that to do list you lucky buggers. Xx

    1. Hee hee! TBH it’s taken me ages to work out how to do it!! I’m about to share an update and hopefully by next week I’ll be posting regularly x

  2. Safe travels! Have an amazing time. I’m going to go through your travel calendar showing the children your adventures later on. Lots of love to you both xx

  3. Love the blog Catherine! Thank you for posting some of your very cool morning tunes, we’ll blast them in the office on an empty Friday! I hope that Craig feels better soon, you as well but I know that even a busted foot won’t stop you 😉 All the best and can’t wait for some more blogging from you

    1. Thanks Oscar! We’re back in the land of Wi-Fi now so I’ll be able to update a bit more. Craig’s well enough to dive the lucky thing and I’m well enough to get to places that sell margaritas so all is well in our world!

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